This type of travel is great for busy couples. It's a wonderful way to spend time together and maintain closeness inbetween the hecticness of normal life.
This weekend, my husband and I went to San Damiano in southern Illinois. It is a beautiful resort in the woods along the Ohio River. All the cabins have a view of the Ohio River, and it has beautiful walkways and is located very close to Garden of the Gods, where we went hiking. Nature get-aways are very nice to just relax and get away from it all. I love seeing new places and exploring, but those type of vacations, while awesome, can be very hectic and busy and you don't really feel rested afterwards. I wanted a trip where we could relax (like in the hot tub in our cabin) and be away from everyone and get away from our crazy lives.
These weekend get-aways can also be very inexpensive, especially nature-type trips. For instance, in the past few yeras, we have gone on several weekend trips like Red River Gorge, Cumberland Falls and Natural Bridge. Now, we did stay in a hotel, which can add expense, but if you enjoy camping, these trips can be under $50, including meals. Land Between the Lakes where I used to work also has many things to see for a good weekend trip.
You can also make these city weekend trips or even day trips. We have taken weekend trips to Indianapolis, IN, Cincinnatti, OH, Louisville, KY, Nashville, TN, and St. Louis, MO. We visited historical places in these cities, cool restaurants, and other tourist attractions. I named these cities because these are the bigger cities surrounding my state. You may want to do this with cities surrounding your area.
Basically, what I'm saying is that travel does not have to be a luxury for people with a lot of money. It can be very easily accessible to you if you plan it correctly. You can enjoy travel as a hobby and be seen as someone that travels quite a bit without spending that much money. Do you have two free days this month? Do it!
My Project of the Day is in honor of last sunday being Easter. I made Cadbury Egg Cupcakes. Basically, it is just like making normal cupcakes, except with putting a frozen Cadbury Egg in the middle. You can use mini Cadbury Eggs for the normal sized ones. My biggest tip would be to make sure the Cadbury Eggs have been frozen for at least one day. I didn't freeze mine long enough. You could still see them in the middle, but it would be better to keep them frozen longer. I also put a mini-egg on top for decoration (and yumminess!). So go to the clearance section of your grocery store and stock up on these limited-time candies to make some tasty cupcakes!