Thursday, June 7, 2012

Love Being a Woman

It is absolutely a huge, major pet peeve to me when women diss other women just for being women.  You know what I mean; when you hear girls or women saying "I prefer to hang out with guys because women have way too much drama" or worse "Women are just so bitchy; guys are chill."  This grates on my nerves so bad. 

Offensive generalizations aside, most people you meet have the capacity to do good and the capacity to do bad.  Therefore, men are equally prone to having undesirable characteristics.  I could now use examples by naming characteristics men stereotypically have, but I am under the impression that individuals are different from one another and am not comfortable with profiling, stereotyping or generalizing all men into one sweeping, ignorant assumption. 

The most annoying part of women making these generalizations about one another is that I sense they are doing it to seem "cooler."  Seriously.  Like their mind-set is that, "I will seem more appealing to men if they believe I'm not like the stereotype of the way most people perceive women to be.  Therefore, if I let men know I am more like them, they will think I'm cool."  Whenever I hear women calling their own gender "bitches" or "dramatic" what I am hearing is "I'm insecure." 

It's wrong to generalize a large group of people.  That is why racism is wrong.  That is why sexism is wrong.  Just because you are dissing your own sex doesn't mean that makes it okay. 

Furthermore, I think it is important to love yourself.  If you are a man, I'm sure there are many things you love about being a man such as not bleeding every month, not having to bear children, having a higher income potential.  I hope that men will love themselves just as well.  But guys, being a woman is pretty awesome too and I'm really happy I was born one.  Women get much MUCH more freedom of dress.  Women can dress in pretty much anything and it will be socially acceptable (as long as it covers everything).  Men have very limited wardrobe options.  For women, it is socially acceptable to work a full time job, or stay at home, whereas men have much higher expectations to be the primary break-winner, and while some men can choose to stay at home it is not the social norm. 

My favorite thing about being a woman is feeling my unborn baby moving inside me.  Nothing can match that. 

I'm sure there are things you love about yourself.  Take pride in those things.  You don't have to hurt others or tear others down in order to feel better about yourself.  You can feel better about yourself by being confident in who you are.

I'm not going to be able to post a Project of the Day for a while, because I'm working on an extended project, making a blanket for my son, Peter who will be arriving in November.  I am knitting this blanket, much like one I posted about a few entries ago that I made for a friend.  I apologize for the lack of a project of the day for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Guys can be just as bitchy and are not always chill. Depends on the dude. There is alot of drama in the "Guy" circles as well. It just tends to end quicker and usually in a fight!
