This is my first post in this blog in almost a full year.
I am completely revamping this blog. I changed the URL and Title.
It isn't going to be too much different from what it was before. This time, I am getting a little bit more raw with the subject matter and a bit more open about my actual opinions. The reason I am doing this is because I am the type of person that tries to relate to everyone despite their opinion. When I am talking to someone about something uncomfortable, I only talk about the parts of their opinion with which I agree. I am a total chicken when it comes to debate and confrontation.
Therefore, I am going to face my fears head-on by posting my true and actual opinions on controversial subject matter on the internet. If you disagree with me, good...I want to hear from you. I am posting my opinions, I am not saying I'm 100% right. We can probably learn from one another through debate. Please feel free to disagree, I do want to hear from you if you do. I want to hear from you if you have something else to offer to the conversation.
My First Blog Entry in "My Unpopular Opinion"
In my unpopular opinion, atheism takes as much faith as religion does.
This is aimed at atheists that say "There is no god." They are stating it as a concrete fact. It would be more accurate for them to say, "I believe there is no god." By saying the word "believe," they are being more intellectually honest because no one can scientifically prove there is no Creator or Deity.
I can understand science-oriented intellectuals becoming agnostics, because
that is acknowledging that, just like the theory of evolution, you cannot prove
Intelligent Design. What you need in order to prove a theory is to repeat the
experiment the same way successfully. You cannot recreate the universe.
Therefore, neither Intelligent Design, nor the Big Bang/Evolution can be proven
into Scientific Law.
Therefore, it is more logical to say, "I cannot possibly know for sure
either way" than to say, "I know for sure there is no God" or "I know for sure
there is a God."
The same level of faith in what you believe exists in religion and atheism.
If you are trying to be intellectually accurate, agnosticism would be more
Me? I am a Christian. My beliefs are based on faith, just like an atheist's beliefs are based on faith. I have faith God exists. Atheists have faith in their belief there is no god.
What do you think?
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